i reckon ill write a few words about war.
when i was a communict hippy, i talked about how i didnt think it was right for any christian to be in the military and contribute to the killing of people. after all. if i was in the field of battle and my enemy was helpless on the ground with me standing over him, would i kill him....or would i do as jesus commanded and love him. "...love your enemies. do good to those who hate you. bless those who curse you..." well of course i would love him and spare his life and walk away. leave killing to the non-christians in our nation was my motto.
well, my good friend bryan grayson(who i recently found out was in the compaign to liberate faluja) was talking with me during my anit-war mentality. we disscussed the things i was feeling about war and killing, and basiclaly he justified why he was in the military and trained to kill people. i did necesarrily believe everything he said, but this is what is came down to. he said we are to love our neighbor. what if our neighbor is being hated on? will we stand by and let that happen, or will we defend him? of course we will defend him...even if it requires the killing of someone else, because if we are forced into a place to choose which brother we will love more, we must do all that is possible to accomplish that.
so who's to say which brother i should choose to love and choose to hate if that was the case?
i dont know, but if a gihad terrosit group is going to kill my other neighbor and the only way to prevent that is to kill him, then i will kill the terrorist.
luckly, i am blessed to live in a country where our soilders are willing to do that for me, and i dont have to actually do it. i am eternaly grateful for their sacrifice.