Wednesday, December 29, 2004

jam or jelly?

Whats the difference between jam and jelly?

the history of rock n roll(conversation)

are you familiar with any old school Jackson 5? i heard they're rendition of "santa claus is comnig to town" on the radio, and i am arguing that it has the earliest hint of hip hop that ive ever heard. michael is talking fast and rhyming along with his brothers, and during that part of the song they are playing a simple bump, bump, ting drum beat.

You may have a point as far as the mainstream pop radio music is concerned. I am sure you could find other examples that would be way out there, and I am sure there are underground type examples but honestly I cannot think of a pop music example that predates that.

yeah good point, because i have no idea what was on the underground in the 70s...much less the 60s. the jackson 5 really were pop huh? i didnt tell you that i work with a guy in his early 50s and he played drums for some bands back ni the 60s. nobody big, but he was educating me on the british invasion and introduced me to bands like the hollies, the kinks, the animals, etc. pretty interesting stuff.

yeah the kinks were punk/ metal before those forms of music existed and I really don't get the animals.... have you seen the British invasion cd at bestbuy?

nah.....but jim(the guy i work with) brought in a book called the "the fab british RR invasion of 64". he also has a tape of all this old stuff with performances on ed sullivan and random "music videos" and stuff .its crazy. i thought our generation was weird, man just the clothes they had was wacked. then i got to thinking and i was kinda mad that us americans cant really take credit for much of the rock influence, so i was trying to think of american bands and the only ones i could come up with were :the ramones, bob dylan, the beach boys, and a few others. needless to say, i was disappointed that america couldnt take more credit for inventing RR....but then again we had elvis and chuck berry.

Well we definitely have Elvis, and Aerosmith and the Doors and Hendrix and Joplin Plus every jazz and blues legend was American and then there was james brown, chuck berry, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams and the list goes on don't forget we have a lock on the soul r&b funk and hip hop categories so anyone whose influence stems from there is indebted to American artists

hmm...good call. i love rock though, and i can take pride in our R&B/hip hop/jazz credit, but i just wish we had more rock. good call on hendrix and aerosmith, etc....oo what about queen? i suppose you could say we own the market on country and folk legends as well?

This is why I discredit the Beatles! I mean honestly Rock is just a mash of Americas Music

yeah...can we credit the beatles with influencing pop music and pop culture, but not rock music? the thing is...ask rockers today, and they usually will credit the beatles with influencing their music wont they?

I never understood that, but then again I never got the beach boys either and everyone thinks they are amazing! I really do think the Beatles have more to do with pop music than rock. I don't know do you hear the influence of the Beatles in SUM 41 because they (like many bands) claim that the Beatles are a huge influence? You know what I know a guy who is all about classic rock in a "how it was done" not just what happend/how it sounded kind of way I could ask him what the deal is. Did the Beatles invent a way of playing music. Because everything I consider Rock now sounds more like Zepplin and the Ramones and Nirvana and at the very least the Rolling Stones and nothing like the beatles... to me the Beatles sound like an upbeat barber shop quartet! and so do the beachboys! Its not like they invented four part harmony! and as far as their instrument playing it was all really white! there were many musicians at the time who were playing stuff twenty times more complicated and difficult! Well lets try an experiment! Project 86 = Rage = Nirvana/NWA =Guns N Roses/ Grandmaster Flash = Sexpistols/ramones/clash/miles "mother fu**ing" Davis/Queen/Led Zepplin = Hendrix/Rolling Stones/Kinks/Smiths = Muddy Waters/BB king/beach boys/beatles = ELVIS!

i like the beach boys because they are fun and yes, they do the the 4 part harmony very well, which i also like. i guess they were really good lookin and playing music people had never really heard at that point. rock, plus a fun melody to sing along with. modern day blink 182. dont the stones claim themselves to be blues? thats what i heard atleast. i like your little equation for rock. ive never thought about the influence that nirvana had on rage...or really any other band for that thing i do appreciate about the beatles, is their ability to write a variety of music. i.e. not all their songs a cut beat with a GCDC chord progression with a bridge featuring Em. I like how they have fast and slow songs; rock and folk songs. sound variety was always something big with my dad, and i suppose he has passed the importance to me. right now im streaming eric clapton and b.b. king. its pretty wicked.

Yeah I think thats a personality flaw on my part... One: While my interests in music vary pretty widely my tastes are pretty narrow. Two: When I start groovin’ on a band, I get into a stage where thats all I want to listen to... i.e. I'll listen to Blindside for a week and rap for a day and I'll buy three folk albums in a row. Still I think the flaw in rock music is its simplicity, I think if you can make complicated music that sounds rich and easy at the same time, that is when you would create great music!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Christmas and suicide

for the next two days, it seems that our country will shut down. i know there will be many people working, but generally every 9-5 business, and many government offices will be closed for the holidays. how will nation function?

on a different note. i was thinking about how other countries celebrate christmas. since our country was one of the few in the entire world founded on christian beliefs, it would seem logical that christmas would only be an american holiday, but it really is celebrated around the world isnt it? weird.

on another note. "the reason for the season" is spending time with family....or atleast thats what the commercial media has been telling me. im just curious as to why we dontjust creat a new, seperate holiday, and call it family day. would that make more sense? i mean people dont even like to call it christmas anymore...except to arnold schwartzidontknowhowtospellhisname of course. whats even more depressing is that we all the infamous statistic about how the holiday season carries with it the highest suicide rate out of the whole year. well of course it does....if we have convereted this into a family season and less than 50% of americans dont even have their original family, its just a slap in the face to all of them. If you are reading this and are considering suicide, dont do it. I don't know if i can say words on hear to save your life, but I can atleast tell you the truth. This world is not worth living for and neither are any of the people you will ever know. The only thing I have found (and I have searched) worth living for is the truth spoken about the The Bible. I think if you research the same with an open heart/mind you will find the same thing.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

songs that make you cry

My friend Adam Austin recently asked everybody what songs make you go crazy. I would like to ask what songs make you cry?

Here's some of mine:
"estrella"-brave saint saturn
"hear you me"-jimmy eat world
"for the moments i feel faint"-relient k
"going away to college"-blink 182
"cat in the craddle"-harry chapin
"daylight"-brave saint saturn
"movie star"-calibretto
"drift away"-dobie gray
"where's bob dylan when you need him"-John Oszajca

i dont care why you cry, and i dont care if im a sissy

Monday, December 20, 2004


i reckon ill write a few words about war.

when i was a communict hippy, i talked about how i didnt think it was right for any christian to be in the military and contribute to the killing of people. after all. if i was in the field of battle and my enemy was helpless on the ground with me standing over him, would i kill him....or would i do as jesus commanded and love him. " your enemies. do good to those who hate you. bless those who curse you..." well of course i would love him and spare his life and walk away. leave killing to the non-christians in our nation was my motto.

well, my good friend bryan grayson(who i recently found out was in the compaign to liberate faluja) was talking with me during my anit-war mentality. we disscussed the things i was feeling about war and killing, and basiclaly he justified why he was in the military and trained to kill people. i did necesarrily believe everything he said, but this is what is came down to. he said we are to love our neighbor. what if our neighbor is being hated on? will we stand by and let that happen, or will we defend him? of course we will defend him...even if it requires the killing of someone else, because if we are forced into a place to choose which brother we will love more, we must do all that is possible to accomplish that.

so who's to say which brother i should choose to love and choose to hate if that was the case?
i dont know, but if a gihad terrosit group is going to kill my other neighbor and the only way to prevent that is to kill him, then i will kill the terrorist.

luckly, i am blessed to live in a country where our soilders are willing to do that for me, and i dont have to actually do it. i am eternaly grateful for their sacrifice.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


I've been sick lately. It's weird to me since I never get sick. If it becomes unbearable, or a close friend convinces me, I'll head to the doctor, then whatever they give me usually does the trick.

As I was laying in bed aching, and started to think about what could possibly be wrong with me. I started to think about if I didn't wake up in the morning. Would it really be all that bad. I wrote about this before here: I tried thinking about how these could be the last few seconds of my life before i fall asleep never to wake on this earth again. honestly, it sounded kinda cool. being in heaven and all. then i thought about melissa and all the people that love me, and felt bad for them. I don't think i would know what they would be experiencing, but would it really be all that bad if they knew that i was chillin up in heaven do much cooler things than sinning every day? That probably wouldn't ease their pain at all, but it's not like i wouldnt see them again. I mean can't they wait for a few decades till they die too, and we all just rondezvous back up in heaven for some good times? I started thinking about what if they died and i was stuck here on earth waiting. Is it wrong of my to fullfill a selfish desire to die and be with Jesus? No doubt it is selfish.

I hate going to the doctor

Monday, December 13, 2004

my online journal

One Line Poetry

I love one liners. I'm going to start compling an archive of good poetry that is only one line long. Here's one for starters. Please contribute your own one liners or your favorite ones heard from other people.

"in a crowded street, i feel all alone."

Friday, December 10, 2004

Why do I have this blog?

I suppose wasting my time on the internet is better than wasting my money in smoky bars.

Why do you consider this 'wasting time'?
Because we are creatures created to associate with other creatures. Not creatures created to assosciaate with a machine.

Can't you associate with other creatures through the machine?

Then it's not really wasting time if the use of the machine creates assosication with other creatures?
I suppose that's true