Why do I have this blog?
I suppose wasting my time on the internet is better than wasting my money in smoky bars.
Why do you consider this 'wasting time'?
Because we are creatures created to associate with other creatures. Not creatures created to assosciaate with a machine.
Can't you associate with other creatures through the machine?
Then it's not really wasting time if the use of the machine creates assosication with other creatures?
I suppose that's true
Why do you consider this 'wasting time'?
Because we are creatures created to associate with other creatures. Not creatures created to assosciaate with a machine.
Can't you associate with other creatures through the machine?
Then it's not really wasting time if the use of the machine creates assosication with other creatures?
I suppose that's true
dont tell me what to do, bastard. i prefer suggestions.
i think i already decided this wasn't a waste of time, and it was because of my interaction with someone else and taking their suggestion that i created this blog.
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